MNH holds biodiversity data mobilization workshop

More than twenty biodiversity researchers from the Philippines attended the UPLB Museum of Natural History's online "Biodiversity Data Mobilization" workshop last 23-24 March 2023. The participating researchers came from UP Los Baños, UP Diliman, UP Mindanao, Philippine National Museum of Natural History, DOST-funded research programs, and other organizations across the...

New, critically endangered tree species found in Mt. Mantalingahan dedicated to PH botanist Dan Lagunzad

The Philippine Journal of Science recently announced, through its upcoming 152nd volume, the discovery of the 6th species of Helicia in the Philippines. According to the journal, foresters from the University of the Philippines Los Baños led by Professor Pastor L. Malabrigo, Jr. found the new tree species, now named...

Interpretive writing and exhibition workshop held for museum staff

Held on 17-18 January 2023 at the annex building of UPLB’s Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Extension, the training-workshop on “Interpretive Writing and Exhibition” was conducted for 20 of the museum’s regular and project staff. Three resource persons were invited to facilitate the training design: Dr. Ruby Roan...

17th int’l congress on Auchenorrhyncha slated in PH in 2024

The Philippines will host the 17th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress simultaneous with the 13th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Plant Hoppers of Economic Importance (2024 IAC PH) on 25-29 March 2024. Since 1973, the IAC has been held triannually as scientific gathering of experts whose biological disciplines focus on auchenorrhynchous insects,...

Entomologists describe new species of predatory mites from Indonesian corn fields

UPLB entomologists published two species of predatory cunaxid mites new to science last 30 November 2022 in the journal Zootaxa ( The new species of mites are Dactyloscirus sumatranus Corpuz-Raros and Naredo sp.n. and Dactyloscirus ladangjagung Corpuz-Raros and Lit sp.n.   The discoveries were the outputs of Professor Emeritus Leonila...