Entomological Collection
The Entomological Collection consists of more than 120,000 pinned insect specimens in 285 families and 22 orders. It has about 5,000 slide-mounted insect species as well as more than 75,000 slides of mites. The collection is considered as the biggest in the Philippines and one of the largest in Southeast Asia.
It holds a number of priceless specimens collected by Dr. Charles Fuller Baker, Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco, Dr. Clare M. Baltazar, Dr. Victor P. Gapud, Dr. Luisito S. Cuy, Jr., and other renowned entomologists.
Although a significant number of the early 1900s collection was destroyed by the end of World War II, the new generation of museum curators and researchers were able to significantly build new collections. These include Dr. Ireneo L. Lit, Jr., Dr. Alberto T. Barrion, Dr. Aimee Lynn B. Dupo, and museum technician Orlando L. Eusebio.