Angela Kristina Arceo

Angela Kristina Arceo

Arci, a dedicated and enthusiastic 3rd year BS Biology student majoring in Zoology, chose the UPLB Museum of Natural History for her internship due to its renowned reputation as a biodiversity research and preservation center. The opportunity to work in a museum that significantly emphasizes conserving our natural heritage and contributing to scientific knowledge excited her.

During her 150-hour internship at the UPLB Museum of Natural History (MNH), Arci engaged in diverse activities, honing her skills in paying meticulous attention to detail while handling preserved specimens. Her experiences at MNH sparked an interest in museum sciences and natural history preservation.

Arci’s time at MNH not only deepened her passion for biology but also provided her with the opportunity to work alongside experienced and inspiring supervisors. The guidance and support from them, along with the welcoming camaraderie of the museum staff, fostered a conducive learning environment. Moreover, her interactions with co-interns from different academic backgrounds further enriched her experience. Together, they faced challenges, exchanged insights, and formed lasting connections, contributing to a sense of unity and collaboration within the internship program.

With her newfound knowledge and experiences, Arci’s dedication and passion for biology have shaped her into a promising biologist with a strong drive to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and the conservation of our natural heritage. As she continues her academic journey, Arci looks forward to making a meaningful and lasting impact in the fields of zoology and environmental sciences.

“This internship has surely been a one-of-a-kind learning experience,” she says.